The Origin Story of Twenty-Four Consulting

Every journey begins with a single step, and ours was no different.

Twenty-Four Consulting started with a simple, yet powerful, goal: to help businesses and professionals achieve the results they deserve from their IT training investments.

But let’s rewind a bit and share how it all began.

Our founder, with over 20 years of experience in the tech industry, noticed a recurring problem. Many training programs available were too generic, offering broad, surface-level knowledge that didn’t translate well into practical, real-world skills. Participants often left these programs feeling uninspired and unequipped to tackle their specific challenges.

Seeing this gap, the idea for Twenty-Four Consulting was born. We believed that training should be more than just fulfil-our-KPI exercise. It should be tailored, practical, and impactful. With this belief driving us, we set out to create a different kind of training and consulting service. One that will make our customers (and us), better than yesterday.

Here’s what our founder has to say

Why I Created Twenty-Four Consulting

Twenty-Four Consulting was born out of a simple, yet profound realisation: there was a significant gap in the way technology training was being delivered.

After over two decades of conducting training and consulting in the tech industry, I repeatedly saw training programs that were too generic, too disconnected from the real-world challenges professionals face daily and worse, completely wrong programs for the wrong audience – sadly, this happens far too often.

These programs often left participants feeling uninspired and unequipped to tackle their unique problems. I wanted to change that.

The driving force behind Twenty-Four Consulting was my passion for helping people truly benefit from their learning experiences.

I envisioned a place where training wasn’t just fulfilling a KPI, but a transformative journey tailored to each individual’s or organisation’s specific needs.

I wanted to create an environment where practical, hands-on learning was the norm, and where the real-world application of skills was emphasised. More doing and less talking.

I believe that when training is relevant and engaging, it can genuinely empower people to reach new heights in their careers and personal lives.

This belief continues to drive everything we do at Twenty-Four Consulting, ensuring that our clients not only learn but are better than they were yesterday.

Founder of Twenty-Four Consulting Ali Reza Azmi

By Ali Reza Azmi

Founder & Consultant @ Twenty-Four Consulting

Founder of Twenty-Four Consulting Ali Reza Azmi

By Ali Reza Azmi

Founder & Consultant @ Twenty-Four Consulting

Our 3-Step Process

At Twenty-Four Consulting, we believe in a tailored approach to training. Our unique three-step process ensures that your learning journey is customized, practical, and impactful.

1. Diagnose – Understanding Your Needs

The first step in the journey is always about understanding you. We start by diagnosing your unique challenges and goals.

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach because we know that every organisation and individual has different needs.

This diagnosis phase allows us to get a clear picture of what you’re facing and how we can help.

2. Customise – Tailoring the Right Solution

Once we understand your specific needs, we move on to customization. Our programs are designed to be flexible and relevant.

Whether it’s a workshop on Project Management, a course on emerging technologies like AI and blockchain, or a deep dive into soft skills, we tailor our training to ensure it’s directly applicable to your work.

Our focus is on providing hands-on, practical training that you can use right away.

3. Implement – Ensuring Real-World Impact

Training doesn’t end in the classroom. The real test is, are you using the skills and knowledge immediately in your daily work?

That’s why we emphasise the implementation phase. We follow up with you to ensure that what you’ve learned is making a difference.

We provide ongoing support and guidance, helping you navigate any challenges that come up and celebrating your successes with you.

It’s About You. Not Us.

At Twenty-Four Consulting, we are more than just a training provider. We are your partners in growth. We genuinely care about your success and are committed to being with you every step of the way. You win, we win.

Our approach is hands-on, practical, and focused on real-world applications. We want to see you win, and we’ll do everything we can to help you achieve your goals.

Our journey began with the recognition that there had to be a better way to deliver training.

We set out to create a service that truly meets the needs of our clients, helping them gain the skills they need to succeed in today’s digital landscape.

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By Onion Lim

Marketing Lead @ Twenty-Four Consulting

By Onion Lim

Marketing Lead @ Twenty-Four Consulting

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